Thursday, July 23, 2009

Treetures: The Search for Autumn

Judith Hope Blau and Ellie O’Ryan
Illustrated by Paul E. Nunn

Treetures are creatures of an enchanted forest called Nutley Grove. These creatures, described in the beginning of the book, all work together to prepare the forest for the coming season changes from summer to autumn, and then to winter. In this story, the Treetures are known as Mudsters, and they live in a big oak tree performing each of their duties as they prepare for the coming Winter Feast. The Young Sproutlings, Chip, Petals and Pod, are the first to notice the change in the leaves around the Great Oak and their questions can only be answered by the Sunbeam Team, Chlorophyll and Chlorophyllis. The Sunbeam Team are on their way to a sunnier vacation spot, and taking the color from the leaves with them. Spring, a Treedom Fighter encouraged the Sproutlings to find Autumn, the Leaf Turner. Wanting to help with the responsibilities, the young Sproutlings made their way to Mama Greenleaf who was busy making a blanket of fallen leaves to cover the forest floor. As the Sproutlings proceeded, they found Rootie and Roothie, the Rooters, who were preparing the roots for the coming temperature changes by covering the roots with leaves and twigs. Stomper, the Compost Master, was busy making mulch to feed the trees in the spring. As the Sproutlings continued their journey, they met with the Sap Tappers, Woody and Phloemina, hard at work protecting the vessels within the Great Oak. The Sap Tappers explained to the Sproutlings the vessels in the tree provided the food and water in the spring. When Autumn the Leaf Turner arrived, a fun time was had by all at a Fall Fair. Rides such as a Leaf-Go-Round, Canopy Coaster, Bark Climbing, Root Scooter, and a March Mulch.

The easy science of the Treeture’s helps early readers understand the changing of the leaves from green to other colors and why the leaves fall. At the end of the book, a non-inclusive series of facts are provided to explain what trees provide. Additionally, a link to is provided, the book is printed on recycled paper, and by purchasing this book it suggests a tree is planted. The illustrations are colorful and endearing to children.

My only concern is while the easy science is explained in terms using inaccurate facts, once a child begins a science class on photosynthesis there might be some confusion between the science facts explained by the characters from the book and the textbook facts.

BIBLIO: 2008, Penguin Young Readers, Ages 4 to 6, $3.99
REVIEWER: Debby Willett
FORMAT: Picture Book
ISBN: 978-0-448-45057-5
REVIEWED FOR: Children’s Literature, Online Version, 7/11/09

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